Voor diegenen geïnteresseerd in de combinatie nationalisme en de
verlichting: Hans Cohn, the Idea of Nationalism: A Study in Its Origins
and Background
Klassiek stelt men de Verlichting gelijk aan universalisme, de rede
tegenover nationalisme met focus op het lokale, tradities,
collectiviteit. Hans Cohn brengt daar zware nuances in aan. Hij zoomt
ook in op gespannen relatie tussen bepaalde conservatieven en
nationalisme: ' At the same time, nationalism was eschewed by
classical conservatism (but not for the reasons that liberals eschewed
nationalism). Classical conservatives like Prince Klemens von
Metternich of Austria was weary of romantic nationalism because his
nation (the Austrian Empire) was multi-ethnic composed of: Czechs,
Austrians, Hungarians, Croats, and many, many other notable ethnic
groups (Poles, Romanians, Slovaks, etc.). In addition, romantic
nationalism threatened the agrarian order from which classical
conservatism was premised and built upon—the primary reason why
classical conservatism lamented the rise of nationalism."
Ook het klassieke tijdsschema stelt hij in vraag waarbij nationalisme
als een louter 19de eeuws fenomeen wordt gezien: " By the end of the
seventeenth century, therefore, England had become the first “nation” in
the modern sense of the term. Having overcome the bounds of absolutism,
and having reached a sense of common peoplehood, modern nationalism had
been established. In continental Europe, however, the transition would
be defined by strife and a far more consequential, eighteenth century,
revolution "
Cohn ziet nationalisme en de Verlichting met elkaar verweven: " in the
eighteenth century the free personality emerged in all fields of human
activity –political,
cultural and economic. But this new order posited the grave problem of
how to reconcile the liberty of the individual with the exigencies of
social integration, how to subject man to a law which could no longer
claim the authority of an absolute lawgiver outside and above men. In
this situation nationalism was to become a tie binding the autonomous
individual into the partnership of a community.”
Cohn wijst fijntjes op tegenstellingen tussen de conservatieve positie
en nationalisme ondermeer door de figuur van JJ Rousseau, vaak veracht
door conservatieven maar cruciaal voor nationalisten. In welke mate zien
jullie jezelf als conservatieven noodzakelijk ook als nationalist.
Cohn voert Jefferson op als het toonbeeld van de Verlichting die niet
tegenstrijdig was met nationalisme. "Jefferson was the “founding father”
of American nationalism, which made the United States the only nation
to be founded by a true man of the Enlightenment." Zoals hij het stelt: “Thus,
over a long life which stretched from the zenith of Voltaire’s influence
to that of the Restoration and the Holy Alliance, the American apostle
preserved his faith in the Enlightenment and its universal blessings. In
the fifty years from July 4, 1776, to Jefferson’s death on July 4,
1826, what had been a promise and intention had become the firm
foundation of the American republic.”
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